Hot Topic: Presidential Rhetoric

March Hot Topic: Presidential Rhetoric...Past, Present, and Future

Join LWV Nashville to find out: does what US presidents say really matter?

Throughout US history, there has been some debate about this question, with some feeling that presidents should not speak directly to US citizens at all. Offering a broad historic overview of this discourse and its presumed functions at various stages in our political past, Vanessa Beasley, Associate Professor of Communication Studies and Vice Provost for Academic Affairs at Vanderbilt, will share her perspective on that question.  Her primary research interests include presidential rhetoric, U.S. political communication, rhetorical criticism and theory. 

All history buffs are encouraged to come with questions on presidential rhetoric covering the past 246 years…from Washington forward.

March 4 at 12:00 pm-1:00 pm CST / 1:00 pm-2:00 pm EST

Guest Speaker, Vanessa Beasley will share her perspective on this. Click here to register.

March 04, 2022 at 12:00pm - 1pm

Will you come?

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