To help voters in Johnson City make informed decisions for the August 1 election, the regular July Program Meeting will be replaced with a public forum about the proposed Johnson City charter changes.
The forum is scheduled for July 16 from 7pm - 8:30pm at the Langston Centre. WJHL will be live streaming the event where questions will be posed to those representing a position on each ballot question. If you can not attend in person, you can watch by going to at 7pm on Tuesday and click on the "Watch Now" button at the top of the screen.
The purpose of the forum is to educate voters about what these ballot questions are and what the consequences could be from the perspective of groups with different positions about these ballot questions. These referendums and the full sample ballot are publicly available on the Washington County Election Commision website at For more information, please contact [email protected].
This issue forum is open to all who all who want to be prepared to make informed choices when voting on these four proposed changes.
July 16 @ 7 pm ET | 315 Elm St, Johnson City, TN 37601