On November 4, the League of Women Voters of Tennessee and ACLU-TN secured a court order with the Davidson County Election Commission and the Tennessee Secretary of State in response to serious errors made in assigning Davidson County residents to their appropriate congressional and General Assembly districts. According to the Election Commission, 438 voters erroneously received voter registration cards placing them in the wrong districts and were misassigned to their voting precinct. The order requires the Election Commission to take remedial steps so that all Davidson County voters can vote in their races with the correct candidates listed.
“The League of Women Voters believes that the ability of all voters to select the candidate of their choice at the polls is the bedrock principle of a democracy,” said Debby Gould, President. “That is why we joined with ACLU to bring a lawsuit again state and local election officials to develop immediate remedies that assure that voters have access to correct ballots."
In response to the court order, the Election Commission has posted a list of the 438 voters who were given incorrect information. This number has grown over the past few days and may continue to in the event that additional early voters impacted by this error are identified. Individuals from a widespread geographic area from Goodlettsville to Berry Hill are included on the list which is why all voters are urged to check to see if their names are included. https://www.nashville.gov/departments/elections/news/important-information-all-davidson-county-voters
Misassigned voters who already voted during Early Voting Period: These voters will be allowed to vote a provisional ballot on Election Day at the offices of the Davidson County Election Commission, 1417 Murfreesboro Pike, Nashville. The provisional ballot will only be for the races in the misassigned voter’s correct state and federal congressional districts. Any such provisional ballot will be counted only in the event that an election contest is filed in the affected state or federal legislative district.
Misassigned voters who did not vote before Election Day: These voters will be allowed to vote a paper ballot containing the correct ballot choices on Election Day. These ballots will be available at the voters’ correct precinct and as well as at their previous misassigned precinct.
“The League of Women Voters believes that Davidson County residents deserve a complete explanation of how these errors occurred and assurances that steps have been taken to prevent their re-occurrence,” stated Ms. Gould. “A thorough, independent audit is needed to restore the public’s trust that their ballot at the polls provides an opportunity to accurately select the candidates they wish to represent them.”
The League of Women Voters of Tennessee, www.lwvtn.org is a nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government and influences public policy through education and advocacy. The League of Women Voters does not support or oppose any political candidate or party.