People Powered Fair Maps™



Every 10 years, after the collection of the decennial census data, states redraw their state and congressional district lines. These districts determine how communities are represented at the local, state, and federal levels. The redistricting process is fundamental in influencing how our government works for us.

The League of Women Voters of the United States has long been concerned about state redistricting efforts for their state congressional seats (both House and Senate) and U.S. Congressional seats.

Political and racial gerrymandering by state political parties have taken the one person-one vote concept and have distorted it to disenfranchise many voters.  Since most states regulate their own redistricting plans, the political party in power uses this power to re-district according to their specific political whims.

Enter your address to find your district and precinct information here: Tennessee Lookup District Dashboard.

The League of Women Voters Stance

Congressional districts and government legislative bodies should be apportioned substantially on population.  The League opposes partisan and racial gerrymandering that strips rights away from voters.

The League of Women Voters of the United States has initiated a two-year program to strengthen the redistricting process to protect more voters. The League of Women Voters of Tennessee has received a substantial grant to implement the strategy and statement of work that we have proposed.  We will strive for more transparency and more public input into this process that does not currently exist.

Redistricting Webinars

July 23 (Virtual): Redistricting in Tennessee - Dr. Sekou Franklin. Watch HERE

July 22 (Virtual):Communities of Interest: Building Blocks for Redistricting - Yurij Rudensky of the Brennan Center for Justice.Watch HERE

June 9 (Virtual): The Great Unskewing: The Law and Politics of Redistricting - Steven J. Mulroy, Bredesen Professor of Law at University of Memphis. Watch HERE

May 14 (Virtual): Defining Communities of Interest for Establishing Legislative Districts - David Padgett, Associate Professor at Tennessee State University.  Watch HERE

April 29 (Virtual): Voting Access, Redistricting, and the Right to Representation Kristin Eberhard, Author of Becoming a Democracy: How We Can Fix the Electoral College, Gerrymandering, and Our Elections. Watch HERE

April 24 (Virtual): Redistricting Process in Tennessee: LWVTN Convention Panel Doug Himes, Ethics Counsel, TN House of Representatives and Matthew Hill, Senior Specialist (GIS), Division of Property Assessment, Office of the TN Comptroller. Watch HERE

LWVTN Brings Public Voices to Redistricting Process

2021 Redistricting Hearings Summary

Interview: Debby Gould, President of the League of Women Voters of Tennessee - Listen HERE

Middle TN Hearing - Watch HERE

East TN Hearing - Watch HERE

West TN Hearing - Watch HERE


Detailed Information

The following articles describe the People Powered Fair Maps™ initiative in more detail:


Redistricting 101

Learn more about LWVUS national People Powered Fair Map Campaign here:

TN General Assembly House Redistricting Site:

Map of Current TN General Assembly House Districts:

Map of Current TN General Assembly Senate Districts:

Map of TN Congressional Districts:'s congressional districts - Wikipedia

Coalition Members

The following Coalition Members join the League of Women Voters of Tennessee for the People Powered Fair Maps™ initiative.